Bronzed Gold color Tiffany Studios Venetian Letter Rack

SKU: 164509 Categories: ,


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Bronzed Gold Color Tiffany Studios Venetian Letter Rack

This rare and highly collectible Bronzed Gold Color Tiffany Studios Venetian Letter Rack is in excellent condition, with no chips or cracks. It measures approximately 6 inches in height, 10 inches in width, and 3 inches in depth. The piece is stamped with the Tiffany Studios mark on the bottom, which is a testament to its authenticity and quality.

This stunning letter rack was created by Tiffany Studios, one of the most renowned decorative arts firms of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

This authentic Bronzed Gold Color Tiffany Studios Venetian Letter Rack will add a touch of elegance to your home or office.


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