Madman’s Drum, A wordless novel done in Woodcuts Signed by Lynd Ward, Original Copy 1st Edition

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MadMan's Drum: a Novel in Woodcuts, 1930 hardcover Signed by Lynd Ward on the half title.
Illustrated in full page woodcut illustrations by Lynd Ward.
New York: Jonathan Cape/Harrison Smith, 1930. 1st Edition

Signed penciled on signed page.

One of the finest American wood engravers of the twentieth century and an outstanding artist of any era, Lynd Ward (1905-85) created a series of fantastic visual novels. The powerful imagery and psychological intensity of his wordless works have elicited comparisons to the writings of Hawthorne, Melville, and Poe. Ward's tutelage included studying under the direction of German woodcut and engraving master Hans Alexander Mueller. Ward has received many awards including The Library of Congress Award, and the New York Times Best Illustrated Award among others.

Hardcover, no jacket, Good to very good condition.

Corners have wear, binding has wear, no inside pages are loose and are all in very good condition with no tears or rips, overall nicely preserved for its age.

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